The Law of Undulation
In the devoted Christian's life he will no doubt experience first hand
the law of undulation. With every high comes a low in life and spiritual
life is no exception. Through my short experience of life I have always
found this to be true. The true battle in this is to be able to
recognize that it is a cycle and not permanent. I have always found
myself in the midst of a series of highs and lows both physical,
spiritual and emotional. This is life as a human and the reality of life
as a Christian means that we experience closeness with Jesus and a
feeling of being far away. The Truth is that what scripture says is
true, "behold, I am with you always". Christ is never far away but we
become so in spirit.
Right now I have been in a state of dryness. I've been here before and
I'll be here again, but it can be overwhelming at times to experience a
state of spiritual dryness. I think the trick to all this is to realize
that one is in a state of dryness and look for ways to end that. Right
now I am setting other things aside in order to focus on my relationship
with God rather than ignore the problem and persist in the downward
spiral. I think that if we look at our lives we will see waves of highs
and lows if we succeed in life, but I do not that every low will become
a high on its own. I think that many who decend in their spiritual life
may just stay there and that is why I am writing this. Do you find
yourself in a time of darkness? I'd say that everyone who will read this
will see this cycle in their lives upon examination. If you are in a
low, I think that the key would be to ask for help outside of yourself.
When we reach out to others we find a strength that we cannot afford on
our own. If you are in a "low" right now, ask someone to pray for you.
In fact, ask several people to pray. Get a team of people who care about
you to lift you up when you can't do so yourself.
the law of undulation. With every high comes a low in life and spiritual
life is no exception. Through my short experience of life I have always
found this to be true. The true battle in this is to be able to
recognize that it is a cycle and not permanent. I have always found
myself in the midst of a series of highs and lows both physical,
spiritual and emotional. This is life as a human and the reality of life
as a Christian means that we experience closeness with Jesus and a
feeling of being far away. The Truth is that what scripture says is
true, "behold, I am with you always". Christ is never far away but we
become so in spirit.
Right now I have been in a state of dryness. I've been here before and
I'll be here again, but it can be overwhelming at times to experience a
state of spiritual dryness. I think the trick to all this is to realize
that one is in a state of dryness and look for ways to end that. Right
now I am setting other things aside in order to focus on my relationship
with God rather than ignore the problem and persist in the downward
spiral. I think that if we look at our lives we will see waves of highs
and lows if we succeed in life, but I do not that every low will become
a high on its own. I think that many who decend in their spiritual life
may just stay there and that is why I am writing this. Do you find
yourself in a time of darkness? I'd say that everyone who will read this
will see this cycle in their lives upon examination. If you are in a
low, I think that the key would be to ask for help outside of yourself.
When we reach out to others we find a strength that we cannot afford on
our own. If you are in a "low" right now, ask someone to pray for you.
In fact, ask several people to pray. Get a team of people who care about
you to lift you up when you can't do so yourself.
Andrew Latulippe